Child Protection

Children in El Salvador are the most vulnerable population and they represent 44 percent of the total population in the country. During emergencies a significant number of government entities are involved in responding but their interventions do not necessarily guarantee the protection of children’s rights with still major gaps in fulfilling their role as leaders of protection strategies and guaranteeing their compliance. These institutional flaws have become evident in normal situations as well as during emergency periods.

Students of a community school learn how to prevent human trafficking by reading a child friendly material. Photos by Michael Bisceglie

Our Country Office applies two strategies in this regard. First, work directly with children in rural communities, their parents, teachers, leaders and local authorities, to strengthen their capacity to prevent abuse and violence. This is achieved through the creation of local networks and the development of municipal ordinances/laws. Second, strengthens the capacity of government institutions and NGOs to design and develop strategies for the holistic protection of children where their mental and physical health is safeguarded.